Saturday, June 2, 2007


Last night I ate at a Chinese restaurant with my work, and I said I wanted to try crayfish, and oysters. Bad Idea!!!! So, one of my dear girls brought me those WONDERFUL items. I couldn't let this down, and say no thanks. (I think it was my pride that wouldn't let it go...Stupid Pride and Prejudice. I have to stop watching that movie.) Instead I swallowed my gut instinct and tried both of them. The crayfish was fine, but the oyster had sour cream on it. (Which I absolutely hate, and apparently this restaurant thought is was a good idea to make the oyster like a bake potato. EWWWW!!! ) So... Unfortunately, now I have a horrible stomach ache. :(

So here is my question: Why do we do stupid things in front of people? Is it really pride?

1 comment:

Julie said...

I pass it off as politeness - it may not be true, but it makes me feel better about myself. lol!