Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crazy Week

So, if you don't know this is auction week for me. These are a few things I have learned this week:

1. Don't live alone, you get paranoid when your roommates are gone. (I heard knocking ALL NIGHT LONG. Really All night LONGGGGG!)
2. Weekly shopping plus other people's request equals 9 carts of food and milk.
3. Olympics and auction week don't mix. (Olympics should know they can't schedule things without asking me. :))
4. When the storm drain is plugged, your basement will flood.
5. When your over 6ft. tall, it's hard to see a 8 inch tall dog. (Don't worry I'm fine)... Oops, so is the dog too.
6. No Sleep (due to Olympics), means NO patience.

Well, I am sure that I can think of more things, but I am tired. Plus Michael Phelps is on in twenty minutes. I hope to see you at the auction. There is some amazing stuff this year. Including a dinner with my house. So, come on out and have a GREAT time.