Thursday, May 1, 2008


Little lamb, who make thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Gave thee life & bid thee feed,
By the stream & o'er the mead;
Softest clothing wooly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice!
Little Lamb who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?

Little Lamb I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb I'll tell thee!
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb;
He is meek & he is mild.
He became a little child;
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by his name.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Little Lamb God bless thee.

I have been lately trying to convince one of my girls that life is full of love and compassion with Christ. Also, who this Christ is. I tell her that he is her best friend, his is a tower of strength, and if we seek him he is our shield, when we are in danger. That, he forgives us ALL of our sins, if we come to him. But, lately I have been reflecting in my own life, and find so many times of failing that in which I teach.

So many times, I tell people about Christ and to go to him when we are in need, but how often do Christians (myself included) come to Christ for every problem. We need to search him, and let him be our shield, our leader, and our strength. For how can we teach, if we don't listen to what we preach. Our actions is viewed the most by the world and we need to show them, our faith by our actions, to let everything be in God's hands. So, often I find myself caught up in my worries/frustration that I forget to let God be the one in control. Like tonight, I was unloading my concerns with a friend, and they faithfully reminded me that I need to put it in God's hands and leap with just faith, without knowing the outcome. I guess this blog is more reflective to myself, then anything. I started out thinking of one thing, and ended up writing about how I feel lately.
What are your thoughts? How can we build our blind faith more, to show the people around us to trust our Everlasting God?


kat said...

The poem is by William Blake, if anyone is wondering.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kat, I like the poem. If you want to check out another one, go to (my blog site) and among the older posts find "Calvary". Feel free to comment. Also, if you enjoy reading Christian novels, may I introduce you to "Outcasts of Skagaray"? If you feel like looking at excerpts, please see Whatever happens, I greet you in the Lord as a fellow believer in Christ.

Andrew Clarke said...

One way we might show Christ to the world is by the way we live, in that so many of the world's people live seriously dysfunctional lives. Check out the incidence of relationship breakdown, cheap sexual behaviour, self destructive behaviour in binge drinking and those things. Some years ago I went to a Christian funeral, and a friend of mine who is a communist remarked observing the atmosphere at the funeral that: "I think you've got the wood on us." He could see that Christians had something others do not.

Jim said...

Ann you were right; very timely post..

Sometimes our faith does feel blind.. and our steps feel like leaps into the unknown.. but..

Our Maker is never silent or absent; the entire creation shouts of His majesty! What reckless, gentle, imaginative, loving power! Also, we have the faithful legacy of many who went before into the "unkown", trusting in the One who can see the end from the beginning. As the poem illustrates, the Lord is tender and personal with each of his lambs..

..there's you pep-talk for the day :)

Caitlin Long said...

Ann, please note that this is me commenting on your blog. WooWhoo! ;]

Love you!